Costruzioni Ing. Matta: a passion for excellence.
In countries such as Italy, the brick has always been considered a safe haven asset is an investment in the privileged for a family.
Especially in times like these in which the volatility of returns, it discourages families from other types of investment such as BOT and CCT.
The Brick, however, does not deceive never.
For us Italians, unlike the others, the choice of a residence corresponds to a precise need, clear and deeply rooted in our culture.
After the economic disaster started in 2008 and which has affected Italy from 2010 onwards, there is today an increase in the purchasing power of households who can more easily meet that need.
All variables of which it is made are countless and vary from person to person, however, there remains a common denominator: the relief of having a place to return to after a long day of work, a place where we feel free, at ease, we feel … at home.
It is obvious, therefore, that this choice, being in most cases binding for a long period of time, should be very careful.
By choosing to rely on the Construction of the Mr. Matta, the customer shares the passion for excellence that distinguishes our company.
Over twenty years of experience allows us the full satisfaction of our customers without any compromise.
Nothing is left to chance: from the choice of the property or is the choice of materials most suited to your needs, you will find in us a partner prepared and reliable.
We take care of every aspect linked to the building industry, from the bureaucratic organization of the interior, with the skill that distinguishes those who are used to making choices of success.
“Life in Sardinia is perhaps the best a man can hope: twenty-four thousand kilometers of forests, of countryside, of coasts immersed in a miraculous sea should coincide with what I recommend good God to give us as Paradise.”
[ Cit. Fabrizio de André ]
Follow our advice, consider to invest here, in a place of strong expansion, and which enjoys magnificent, unique in the world.
Sant’antioco has so much to offer, and it will be a choice you will never regret.